As promised, Construction craziness - Part 2 - will feature:
- Chainsaws (!)
- Blackboard paint
- And soooooo much more

- Little Brother Al's reward for the hard work? A CHAINSAW!
Our reward? Chalkboard paints!!

- Hanging the temporary lights and getting ready for painting

- Upon closer inspection...not pretty

- There's our spray gun...and that's how you paint a ceiling!

- Tagging the phone and internet lines was...very difficult

- Roof now secure, but do not try this at home.
Space planning with big plastic bins

- The results of the chainsaw work...a bike rack!

- Choosing reclaimed wood for our desk was FUN...thanks Canadian Salvaged Timber!!

- Found an awesome metal worker for our racks and displays...Steve at Salvage Interiors
Videos of indoor bike riding still pending. I am a blog rookie.
Here is a spy-shot of me keeping fit on the indoor my Primal Tuxedo ;)

- Working hard, or hardly working...slowly getting back into shape

- The Herman Miller chairs are in!!!
Can't wait to show you all more soon!
We are still working like mad for an April 30th soft opening.