Bridge Bike Works

Bridge Bike Works is very close to Blacksmith Cycle as it is made in Toronto. It is a pride of the local cycling community as it has been designed, engineered, manufactured all in our home town and by our friends. We are so incredibly proud!

Co-founded by Blacksmith owner Michael Yakubowicz, BRIDGE is North America’s newest carbon bike manufacturer, launching with their Surveyor all-road model in late-summer 2022. BRIDGE is focused on world-class engineering, incredible quality control, and a focus on the customers who will actually ride our bikes.

Surveyor is designed as an N+1 killer, with a road-race geometry combined with an incredible 40mm tire clearance, it’s the bike meant for all of Ontario’s roads. Traditional features like a threaded (T47-86) bottom bracket, round seat collar, and ability to run 53/39 (max size) road chainrings, mixed with cutting-edge fully internal cable routing, aerodynamic D-shaped downtube, proprietary fork design, and the most thoroughly modern production methods in the industry.

Pre-Order your Bridge Bike Works Today!