Since we have so many customers and friends that are talented designers, I figured it best to let those amazing skills loose!
So, without further ado, here is our...
2011 Castelli Club Kit Design Contest
Contest details: design the Blacksmith Cycle club kit, to be released in August/September 2011, using our shop colours and logo...
Colours: Black, grey and green...
Click here for actual CMYK colours!!
Our shop logo:
White background and
Black background
[caption id="attachment_624" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Our shop colours - black, grey and green"]

Prize: one complete Castelli kit - Aero Race bib shorts and choice of Team jersey or Team long-sleeve jersey in your chosen size
How to enter: Click on the link to download the Castelli design template -
jersey+bib+LS - then design your ideal kit and email it to us at
Timing: Contest is open until the end of the Tour de France - Sunday July 24th
[caption id="attachment_623" align="alignnone" width="630" caption="Our kit will be just like this one, only NICER!"]

Fine print: All entries become intellectual property of Blacksmith Cycle, just so you know! And don't worry about exact colours or sponsor logos - we'll take care of those details when we submit our design to Castelli.
The winning entry will be posted before the end of the month, and we may also show off some of the front-runners to elicit feedback from the masses.