Bike of the Day #9 - Wilier Cento Uno Lampre Edition
The Details: Wilier Cento Uno - Lampre Edition - Size XL - approx. 15 lbs
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="Just hanging out - with Campy Bora's"]

The Build: Campy Super Record, KCNC brakes, Ritchey classic bend WCS alloy bar and WCS stem (for Pro-ness)
The Ratings…
Ride-quality/Comfort: 8/10
Front-end Stiffness: 8/10
BB Stiffness: 8/10
Style/Aesthetics: 9/10
Technology/Weight/Value: 6/10
Total = 39/50
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="The original build - Syntace stem and Mavic CCU's were a bit mismatched"]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="Swing-arm rear stays are now emulated by many, but were very unique when released"]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="Yes, that is a matching San Marco Lampre Team saddle. And yes, I am a poser."]

The Good: Gorgeous paint scheme, relatively plush ride quality for a monocoque, stable handling, and a Pro-Tour connection that is hard to miss!
The Bad: Way above claimed weight, not all that stiff for a race-oriented bike, and we have heard rumours of, ahem, durability issues with both paint and carbon.
The Skinny: Though it's got some negative qualities, the Cento Uno somehow exceeds the sum of its parts. Smooth, agile, and a real stunner in the flesh, but somewhat let down by its relatively high price and weight. To be fair, 2012 prices are much improved and the Zero7 is a real game-changer.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="573" caption="Built with Campy Hyperon wheels - so smooth and a bit more subtle"]

Let us know if you have any Wilier queries at and leave us alone about the pink bartape!