To celebrate our new
CLASSIFIEDS PAGE, we go with an oldie but a goodie...
Bike of the Day #10 – Cannondale Caad7 Cipo Edition
The Details: Cannondale Caad7 Team Saeco Edition - 15.2 lbs
The Build: Campy Chorus-11, Hollowgram BB30 crankset, FSA stem and post, Zipp short+shallow carbon bars, Campy Bora wheels
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="577" caption="FSA/Zipp combo gets the job done at a low weight"]

The Ratings…
Ride-quality/Comfort: 6/10
Front-end Stiffness: 7/10
BB Stiffness: 8/10
Style/Aesthetics: 9/10
Technology/Weight/Value: 9/10
Total = 39/50
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="The world's finest alloy crankset, the Hollowgram SL - we have them for you on special order"]

The Good: Racey geometry, stiff in the BB, ridiculously amazing candy-apple-red paint job, BB30, lighter all-carbon Premium+ fork, and images of Mario kicking ass on his Caad5.
The Bad: A bit soft in the front end (now tapered), pretty damn harsh in the rear (even for an aluminum), and that paint-job is delicate!
The Skinny: Cannondale once sold this bike as their high-end racer, so that's how we built her. But most will opt for an entry-level version these days, which still gets the job done. We sell hydroformed aluminum Carrera, Cyfac and Scapin framesets that can all compete with the Big C.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="Fizik K1 - thankfully there are now better lightweight options!"]

Oh, and this frame/fork/crankset is for sale! Email or call to inquire.