Elevate Your Game with Cutting-Edge Nutrition We are thrilled to announce a game-changing addition to our store that's set to revolutionize the way you fuel your body for peak performance....
Blacksmith sponsors a community art event tonight!!!
Brave the rain and head outside for Artspin, a free bicycle-led community art event on wheels! Blacksmith Cycle is the sponsor of one of tonight's...
More Castelli Design Contest Final Submissions
I am very bad about enforcing deadlines, so here are three more super-cool design ideas to show off... From local hero Tobin J. comes his BlackSmithSmokeKit....
Final Castelli Design Contest Submission?
What may be our final Castelli Design Contest entry is in!!!Thanks to Stuart M., one of our home-town customers...[caption id="attachment_708" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Simple, but slightly...
Castelli Design Contest Final Day - 2 more entries!
We are getting down to the wire, and JP has sent in 2 more solid choices... [caption id="attachment_702" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Clean and green"][/caption] [caption...
Blacksmith Castelli Kit Design Contest - Part 3
Entries # 14-16 below, and they are pretty damn good! [caption id="attachment_692" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Jeff S. gets some help from his designer sister-in-law from Pickle...
Blacksmith Team Kit Entry #2 to 13 - Matt's Magic!
Thanks to Matt Krivosudsky for am amazing assortment of entries...Click below to see the rest of Matt's awesome work...
Right to Play Auction / Tour de France Fun Tonight!!
Since we haven't had any sort of grand opening party, I figured why not do something fun tonight! So, drop by from 6 till 9...
Team Kit Entry #1
Thanks to JP (cdn_bacon) from Serotta Forum. He has promised a re-do with the right colours, but I dig the look... [caption id="attachment_647" align="alignnone" width="640"...
Castelli Club Kit Design Contest!!
Since we have so many customers and friends that are talented designers, I figured it best to let those amazing skills loose! So, without further...