Since both Velo Vie (USA) and Canyon (Germany) produce bikes that come from the same Taiwanese factory (keep that on the DL), we figured it would make sense to review them together. Without further ado, here are two of the stiffest bikes around...
Bike of the Day #6 – Velo Vie 300 SE - Bling Edition

The Details: 2010 Velo Vie 300 SE with SRAM Red + lots of gooooold - about 14.5 lbs
The Build: SRAM Red, KCNC gold chain, Stronglight crankset, Selcof post, Pro stem with Ritchey EVO SL bars
The Ratings…
Ride-quality/Comfort: 6/10
Front-end Stiffness: 8/10
BB Stiffness: 9/10
Style/Aesthetics: 7/10
Technology/Weight/Value: 8/10
Total = 38/50

The Good: Very stiff all-around ride, nice North American style race geometry (similar to Cannondale), simple graphics, uncomplicated specs, and serious value.
The Bad: Not the most refined ride-quality, weight is pretty average these days, company does not have the cache (or resale value) of a bigger brand.
The Skinny: Looking for a simple, balls-to-the-wall crit racer? This fits the bill. Then again, so does a
Van Dessel Rivet, but with a much smoother ride quality.
Bike of the Day #7 – Canyon F10 Unibet Pro Tour Edition

The Details: 2009 Canyon F10 Unibet Edition - 14.8 lbs
The Build: Campy Record 10-speed, Deda Zero 100 stem + Campione carbon bar (uber-stiff!), various wheels (Zipp 202's included)
The Ratings…
Ride-quality/Comfort: 7/10
Front-end Stiffness: 10/10
BB Stiffness: 9/10
Style/Aesthetics: 7/10
Technology/Weight/Value: 7/10
Total = 40/50

The Good: Hands-down the stiffest bike I have ever ridden - super solid up front, and almost immoveable near the BB; decent weight, clean looks and rare in North America.
The Bad: No North-American warranty support, uber-tall front end made for slightly vague steering, and longer rides felt like I was hanging on to a jack-hammer.
The Skinny: If I was 6'2", 225 lbs and looking to keep my rides under 80 km, the Canyon would pretty much top my list. But for smaller riders, or those looking for something with a modicum of comfort, there is little reason to abuse oneself so badly.
Storck, our own German brand, offers 95% of the stiffness, with only 70% of the pain.
Thanks for checking in and see you all tomorrow!